Decision Writing & Remedies in Special Ed Hearings - Part I

I may be exercising the blog writers privilege here, but do you realize how difficult it is for a due process hearing officer to write a decision? This post results from the convergence of two facts: I'm going to do a presentation on decision writing as a last minute replacement at the California SpEd ALJ Conference at UCLA next week and I am currently writing a decision.

If you have any tips as to the former, please let me know. Any good decision writers out there? Anybody ever receive a due process decision that they didn't like (other than just the result)?

I'm not at a complete loss. I have done some previous hearing officer trainings on the topic. Also, I have written my share of decisions. But I'm always looking for help.

One thing many new hos don't realize is that decision writing doesn't exist in a vacuum. You have to do your preliminary research to know what's relevant. You have to run a good hearing to make sure you have the evidence you need to rule. You have to have clearly identified the issues at the prehearing conference in order to decide all issues in the decision. Sitting down to write is still a task, but there are steps you can take before you get there to make it a bit easier. Being a good ho is an art! Portrait of the artist as a young ho...

Don't forget to vote on our poll about the case before the supreme court. For the parents has a razor thin lead over for the school district. Also on the techno-end, the Facebook group and the Ning group and the Twitter group continue to grow and my twitter mini-posts are on the left-hand side of the blog. How do you like these technical innovations so far?