The Magical Mystery (er, ... IDEA Remides) Tour

In July of this year, I am embarking on what I call my IDEA Remedies Tour. Granted it lacks the charisma of the "Magical Mystery Tour," but what can ya do? I was thinking of having T-shirts printed with the "Jim Gerl IDEA Remedies Tour" emblazoned upon the front. The back of the shirt could have the names and locations of the concerts, er... I mean the presentations! Unfortunately, there probably isn't much of a market though.

But seriously, I will be giving presentations on the two major remedies available if the parents/student win an IDEA due process hearing. On July 8th, I'll be presenting on Compensatory Education at the Seattle University School of Law's Eighth Academy for IDEA Administrative Law Judges and Hearing Officers in Seattle, Washington. On July 22nd, I'll be speaking on the Remedy of Reimbursement for Unilateral Placements at the 16th Annual Education Law Conference in Portland, Maine, sponsored by the University of Southern Maine and the University of Maine School of Law.

You can learn more about the Seattle Academy through this link. You may register for the conference here. It is designed primarily for due process hearing officers or those who administer IDEA dispute resolution systems.

You can learn more about the Portland, Maine Education Law Conference through this link. You can register for the conference here. This is a more general education law conference

Both conferences do a great job. As many readers know, I love the networking opportunities that these types of conferences provide. I have made many friends at similar conferences, and they help me with my work all the time. If you are planning on attending either conference, please let me know. I always enjoy meeting and talking with the many interesting readers of this blog. (NOTE: Just before the last conference I attended, I had problems with one of my email accounts and I missed out on the chance to meet a couple of readers. I have already apologized to them and I repeat it here. If I don't get back to you, please find me at the conference and demand a cup of coffee!)

By the end of the IDEA Remedies Tour, I should know everything there is to know about special education remedies. Well at least until the Supreme Court resolves the pending case. Oh yeah, then there is reauthorization. OK, so I forgot for a minute that special ed law is "new" law. Anybody who claims to know everything about it- probably doesn't!